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...a character till now never seen, open the door, come on the stage and, before saying any words,

the way of fitting clothes reflects social condition and nature.

More than a character, the image dress show the frame of mind; through clothes eachone of us reveal,

 all or in some situation, our personality, habits, tastes, way of  thinking, the momnet's humor, what is gonna doing.

Jacques Manuel
 "L’art du costume dans le film “
Reveu du cinèma”, 1949


the great concepts connected to the theoretical construction of elegance come from, almost sure, from The Renaissance...
the harmony, the faculty of choosing, the costance, the observed imperfection, the rarity...
and impose themselves during the XIX centhury...
the "fashion system" born consequently, after the golden age of Haute Couture...
everything else... we are living now!

francesca de nardi